Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Friendships in New York

Good morning and.. enjoy all the week end is coming on(english). It's the time to share with you my news regarding friendships in New York. After the beginning of my school of english, I had the opportunity to know a lot of new people, coming from different countries...It's like a Global Village in New York and everyday it's amazing how much you can learn from other people.
Below you can find some pictures of the time we are spending together... living this city...that never sleep...above all if there are people coming from Italy, French, Spain, Japan, Korea singing song all the night.....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Snow in New York...going back to the reality

It`s snowing...(english) this is one of the wonderful esclamation that any childrens always enjoy so much... So, it`s time to play with the snow, going back home full of water inside your shoes...and with your red cold face.
That`s a beautiful story, right?
...but not if your house, your car are completely under the snow.. And you have also problem in order to open the door.
Anyway, everyone can survive if it snow just for one day..It was exacly what happened in New York during this week end.
And going back to the reality, monday morning New York city started again its quick-moving life. At the end, it remains just a lot of snow in the cross-walk and a great story to tell in the future: «I remember that february 2006.. I never seen in my life so much snow in the city as in that time...and... If I don`t make a mistake... Was just the week end after that Pittsburgh Steelers wons a superbowl».
So, winter is not at the end... Keep in touch and enjoy the snow... Maybe will be some other surprise from Mother Nature.

Emotion from Winter Olympic Game in Torino

What could be the feeling (english) of an italian person watching the opening cerimony of winter olympic games held in his native country?

GREAT emotion

If this person is also living abroad... This emotion will be twice. I was really proud of my country at the end of the cerimony.. when all the athlets were on the ground listening «Vinceró» from the voice of Pavarotti.
In that moment all the feelings of everyone who love competition, friendships, sport, cultural diversity..became one single thing.. Winter Olympic Games 2006 in Torino.
Proud to be a people who loves sport.. Proud to be a citizen coming from the hosting country of olimpic games..
And yesterday I enjoyed the dance skating gold medal of people representing Russia. For them, no end better than this I could image after the accident that happened some years ago in the same competition. Congratulations guys.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Walking between the war against terrorism and...personal privacy

Hi to everyone,
everyday(english) we could read some cool article from newspaper... and yesterday I read this one... that could be more useful in order to reflect on something that's happening in country like USA Italy. What is right and what is wrong I don't know...I just know that day by day we are losing our personal privacy, being under control of some intelligence body. Is this the way we are going to live...or we have some other option?
Enjoy your reading... and if you want to leave your opinion, just submit it.
Peter Tanner, a freelance writer

"You don’t have anything to hide, do you? You’re a patriotic, law-abiding American citizen, right? Good.
We are on the same side. So you’ll be delighted to learn that I have come up with a plan to give you total protection from terrorists. (Homeland Security is probably going to suggest this any day now, but I beat them to the punch.)

How will I do this? Simple. I’ll soon be sending my congressman an exciting new initiative I call Patriot Act III (nicknamed "Freedom’s Best Buddy"). This bold plan will allow Homeland Security to put a high-definition TV surveillance camera in every room, in every home of America.

You will find it easy to love this new security break-through. Our trained intelligence agents won’t miss a thing; when we see people on their knees, praying toward Mecca, you can be sure we’ll be keeping close track of them. When we hear anyone talking about the Constitution – and especially the Bill of Rights – we’ll be monitoring them 24/7. When we find potential trouble-makers, like Quarters and others who seem to be unhappy with some new presidential powers, you bet we’ll keep an eagle eye of them. When we spot possible terrorists wearing inappropriate or inflammatory t-shirts, our cameras will be able to zoom in on every word on the t-shirt to see if it’s unpatriotic. And you know can trust your government: We promise not to let anybody else the tapes we make of you and your family discussing your medical problems, or arguing over finances, or making love. We wouldn’t ever do that. Cross our hearts and hope to die.

Here’s even more good news: At no extra cost, the TV surveillance cameras will also include a special device that actually lets you vote in the privacy of your own home. It’s easy: you just look up at the camera and, in a loud, clear voice, state which candidates you want to vote fore. It will be completely confidential, of course. And you can depend on our advanced voting computers to never make a mistake.

You probably have some questions, like: Isn’t it expensive to put TV surveillance cameras in every home? And how will we pay for this? Glad you asked. No, it’s not that expensive. We’ve negotiated a very favourable contract with Halliburton to provide these surveillance camera below cost. They offers us this price for only 24 hours, and we gabbed it. Their operators were waiting for our call. We’ll pay for all this in the normal way, of course. We’ll be asking Washington for additional cuts in welfare, food stamps, child care and Medicaid.

And we are sure that every red-blooded US representative will go along with "Tannen’s Total Terrorist Protection Plan". After all, elections are coming up, and the fight to keep America secure is Job One, right? So, relax. Be safe. And be thankful you live in this bastion of freedom and democracy. Good Bless America.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art...

Hi to everybody(english)...the trip is going on, and today I spent the best 10 dollars of the last year going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Walking on the Fifth Avenue/82th street you can find a huge building (see picture).
Ancient Art, Chinese, Cypriot,Islamic, European, Japanese, African, American and bla bla bla.... in few world, you can admire many collections of various artist and culture. I was not so excited to visit Greek and Roman Art Area, but I think it's normal for someone like me that comes from country like Italy, with place full of these resources.
Things that I liked so much were European Paintings of Nineteenth Century. Works of Degas, Manet, Cezanne, Monet, Matisse, Renoir, Van Gogh...and also of our dear Picasso, are located inside this Museum. It's incredible the amount of time that I spent observing all the different style and the wonderful paintings created by these artists. So...after this "aperitivo", I think I need to put in my travel note for the future also "Sua maesta' Le Louvre"... below you can find some of my favourite pictures of the afternoon.

In order, some pictures from Egyptian Art and works of Van Gogh(2), Picasso, Manet.

Keep in touch for the next...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Reflection time: la laurea e lo status del neolaureato

La fine degli studi universitari e la ricerca delle nuove esperienze da vivere: lo status del neolaureato (italian)
“Per i poteri a me conferiti… la dichiaro Dottore in…bla bla”. Sono questi i momenti che premiano una carriera universitaria fatta di esami, interazione, nuove amicizie e soprattutto di sogni per il futuro. Tuttavia si impiega ancora qualche giorno prima di realizzare quanto accaduto e il tuo nuovo status. Sino al momento della discussione finale della tesi, si ha ancora qualcosa dinnanzi da completare. Subito dopo questo momento la domanda “E adesso?” che ormai gira nella propria testa già da un po’, si fa molto più pressante. Passata l’euforia iniziale viene a materializzarsi pian piano quelle che sono le scelte per il futuro. Un misto di sensazioni tra alti e bassi. Tanti sogni da volere realizzare ma anche ostacoli che si incontrano sul terreno. E’ in questi momenti che ci si rende conto di quanto sia importante vivere il più a fondo possibile gli anni dell’esperienza universitaria, coltivare le conoscenze, le iniziative, e costruire quei passi necessari che possano in qualche modo indicarti come intraprendere la strada che si vuole perseguire.
L’importanza di acquisire sicurezza in sè stessi, di aggiornarsi su quanto accade nel mondo, la capacità di farsi delle idee proprie e di non aver paura di farle conoscere, sono solo alcuni di quei tratti necessari in questo percorso. Possedere un titolo di laurea nel 2005 in Italia non è più sufficiente a garantire un impiego lavorativo. Non vi è dubbio sull’importanza che questo ricopre nella crescita personale e culturale di un giovane, ma vi sono tanti altri aspetti, quali ad esempio il relazionarsi con gli altri, il parlare in pubblico, il mettersi continuamente alla prova, che vanno coltivati contemporaneamente al periodo di studi.
Forse il nostro sistema di educazione non è tra i più efficienti al mondo da questo punto di vista, ma ciò non toglie l’enorme ricchezza culturale che ogni Ateneo ha a disposizione, le numerose iniziative che ogni giorno vengono realizzate e le potenzialità per farsi promotori delle stesse.
Molto dunque dipende dall’intraprendenza di ognuno di noi, dalla nostra capacità di “fare le prove per il futuro”, di sviluppare il nostro ingegno e la nostra capacità. Nel mondo lavorativo si parla di “Capitale Umano”, ma si tratta esattamente delle continuazione di quanto appena accennato. Starà qui la chiave per introdursi nel mondo lavorativo? Forse non basta solo questo, ma di sicuro tutto ciò rappresenta qualcosa di rilevante se non altro per la crescita personale di un individuo, per la sua capacità di creare delle relazioni e per poter trasmettere fiducia nelle persone che vogliono investire su di te. Tra quel mondo ideale che vede ognuno di noi lavorare nell’ambiente in cui desidera, e quello che purtroppo si avvicina al reale e che vede giovani ragazzi inviare centinaia di curriculum pur di avventurarsi in qualche mese di stage, da qualche parte e a fare qualcosa, c’è un enorme divario. Tuttavia l’ampiezza di quest’ultimo dipende anche da noi stessi, dall’attitudine e dalle conoscenze maturate e dallo spirito con cui si approda
al momento di quella fatidica frase.
E se venisse trasformata in “Per i poteri a me conferiti, spero che lei abbia fatto anche altro oltre agli esami universitari”, avremmo forse qualche difficoltà in meno nel ricoprire quello status di neolaureato?

Walking...listening...dreaming... with "Amarantine"

(english)Listening music is one of the most beautiful things I can do. I like so much walking around the city listening my favourite songs and dreaming with open eyes... that the day after will be always better then day before.... and be happy of my life.
Yesterday I bought a new cd, "Amarantine" of Enya. It's incredible the peace that this music transmit me. Below you can find the words of the main song. Enjoy it, enjoy your life. The trip is going on...


You know when you give your love away
it opens your heart,
everything is new.
And you know time will always find a way
to let your heart believe it's true.

You know love is everything you say:
a whisper, a word,
promises you give.
You feel it in the heartbeat of the day.
You know this is the way love is.

You know love may sometimes make you cry,
so let the tears go,
they will flow away,
for you know love will always let you fly
how far a heart can fly away.

You know when love's
shining in your eyes
it may be the stras
fallen from above.
And you know love
is with you when you rise,
for night and day belong to love.

Amrantine, Amarantine, Amarantine,
love is, love is.