Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ellis Island entrance

Ellis Island:(english) this is the door where all immigrants entered for the healty and legal visit. Personally, I felt great emotion thinking about how many people crossed this door...Following images describes just some of thousand story of immigrant, who represent our country and the link with the dream of this new land, called "America". If someone will come to NY, please don't lose the opportunity to come here, live this place and take the time to reflect... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine what you felt while visiting Ellis Island. As many of your fellow Italians, I'm an inmigrant myself, but I come from South America and all the people that have come to this country from mine where not "in the map" when Ellis Island was the port of entry.
Did you look up Italian last names? Did you learn cool stories about italian inmigrants?
Italians are such a big part of this country's history, their contribution is enormous, and the culture is soo alive in many parts of New York.
From your blog I believe you live in Italy, but I'm sure you felt close to many of those who came years ago from your country. What did it feel like? What do you think of their contribution to this country?
Just wondering....

Gianpy said...

Hi NAtalia, thanks for your comment.. so...yes, I look up my Italian last names and I found out a name that should be of the Granfather of my father...I already asked to my oncle who's living in NY and he confirmed me can i's an incredible emotion!!!
About my opinion on the contribution of italians to this country...I think is so relevant. I'm trying to imagine that time, when we were living a difficult situation in our country (War, no work..)...and imagine the feeling of people who decided to come here. I think was the necessary step in order to ensure a better situation for theri childrene and their family...and starting from this, it's normal to see that many people bacame famous in their work. But, where are you come from exacly? And what's your opinion on immigration from your country?
Actually I'm in New York for next 3, I have more to visit in this big city....