Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Leonardo and his new job!!!

Leonardo is back to New York and all the police man already are looking for him. Believe or not, this time he will risk a huge punishment.
What I'm talking about? I'm talking about his new job...
Is Leonardo helping a baby and his grandmother to enter inside their house or...it's only an excuse to working in the new field of the robbery? Let's take a look... votes are open :-)


Monday, December 04, 2006

Fabio...New York..e i castori...

Some days ago, Fabio, one of my Pavia's friend, came to New York for one week.

Before to arrive to NYC he went to the West Coast. I'm sure his experience will be a great inspiration for his future. After 2 full weeks of travel, He conluded his american experience staying one week in this city.

With my huge pleasure, we had a great time together, going out and talking on how our lives changed in the last years.
There was only one thing that never changed and never will change:
Where ever you go, we will be always castoro-hunting!
Let's drink on this :-)

New York, land of friendships...

It's some times that this blog didnt' see new post..but, let's go ahead to find a remedy :-)
It looks like yesterday the moment when I came here. More than 10 months are alreday gone. The life here use to run more than you, but fortunately, nothing happens without a reason.
My working experience is giving me a lot of opportunities to learn. I'm lucky to work everyday with people from which I can learn. And, as always, from my side the 200% of my self is guaranteed. I try to do my best in every things I do...and I'm sure this is the best way to growing in my life.
New York is also the land of friendship. Why? Because there is always some friends who is coming to visit New York; because the 90% of the young people in this city is living a similar experience, studying, doing an internships or something else, and because, you just need to be open minded and start to talk with the first person close to you.
So, it happens that during the week, a group of friends meet each others living te cultural mix of this city. During the last month I had the pleasure to host Fabio from Pavia (viva i castori e la vita di...); to meet Alessandro(one of the LCPs of my National AIESEC terms) and his friend from Ancona; to see again my cousin Teresa and boyfriend, to have back one of the person who I use to call "brother". Yes, Leonardo is back to New York and we started to share our love for all that could be called "Arts". First stop, Broadway, "Les Miserables" di Victor Hugo. Unbelievable and unforgettable. Which will be the next broadway show?
And so, as good italian, could not miss a nice pizza into our house... with something nice to drink and a good music as a background. Final results? Some good pictures to keep in the place called: friendships.
Take care my dears

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Listening voices around us....

Hey dears,
in this Saturday morning, finally one without work, I was jumping between different websites and I found an interesting an reflecting sentence, coming from the initiative "Business as an Agent of World Benefit (BAWB): Management Knowledge Leading Positive Change".
I will post here the sentence, from Bobby Sager, Founding chairman, young Presidents Organization Peace Action Network. If you want to read more, just visit the AIESEC INTERNATIONAL webblog. Take care.
He said:
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple. But no one can count the apples in a seed."
For italian friends, seed=seme

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Any given sunday....

How many of you have been seen this movie!!!!
The first time that I had the chance to be in contact with it was during an AIESEC conference. The Al Pacino speach used to show the power an the meaning of the team building.
I have this speach in my computer and during my year of National Committee I used to listen it time by time, trying to reach all the words and the meaning behind them. And all the time new inspiration was coming up.
One week ago, watching the TV I found this movie and I simply stopped all my activities to watch it. And from the beginning I was waiting for the moment in which this speach was done.
I came back into my memories more than one time and I simply concluded that there is no limit to the power of the imagination and of the inspiration.
Just fell free to follow your instinct....and fly
Take care

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thoughts of the day

Dear friends, it's me again...and this time I'm going to write down some thoughts of the day.
The first one is coming from the book I'm actually reading. (The DNA of the Leadership).
I was reading the "the gene C" part, regarding the community concept, and I found this interesting sentence:

"A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm"

This sentence could have different meanings but as always, I like to link old sentence with actual issue. So, that time I found an interesting link between this sentence and what is happening today in New York.
During these days, at the UN Building, is on going a worldwide meeting were the most important leaders of the world are discussing on the current issues...and trying to find common solutions.
Probably is not only having their own speach that they will find all the answers to the actual problems, but... it's also true that we cannot think forever that there are two different worlds. The first one, political and regarding power people; and the second one, regarding all the rest common people.
Everyone has his role in this world...and the world needs the cooperation of everyone. So, when we heard news or when we read on the newspaper regarding IRAN, IRAQ, USA, OIL, DARFUR etc... probably is the right time to think to this old sentence... and starts to do something. Something for waht? The answer is...let's starts with the community around you, with people who meet all day, with your friends an family....and be ready.... because when you talk about COMMUNITY, you will find again this old sentence... and ...it's your turn!!!

Take care...

Monday, September 18, 2006

New York Life...a tipical day during the week

What'up my dear friends? I hope everything is going well to everyone.
It's time to write down something regarding life I'm doing in New York, during the week.

During the week most of the time is dedicated at work. Wake up early in the morning, drink my daily glass of orange juice, eat some cookies and....let's go, let's get it started,
Subway is coming, more or less is one hour trip from the house I'm living to the place I'm working. Yes, its so far, but it's the best solution I have at the moment. Working in the middle of Manhattan don't give you the chance to find a cheap rent and so...everyone use to find something out of the Island. But let's continue our story.

During the subway time there is the first decisional moment of the day. You can choice between:
- reading a book
- reading a newspaper
- listening to music
- sleep
-starting to talk with people around you.

Excluding the last one, because in the morning nobody wants to talk, very often the choice is between sleep and....sleep. Nothing is better than sleep deeply for at least 25 minutes..:-)

But like all the best thing, these moment are not going to live forever.... time to get out from the subway is arrived. "GRAN CENTRAL- 42th street". It's time to come back to the reality and walk 5 blocks before to arrive in my job place. Under the shadow of the Empire State Building, the working day started and will go on until 6 or 7 o clock PM, with the launch time in the middle.

Now, a new choice is coming up:
-go home, cook something, clean up the house or take some nice rest.
- go to work out
- hang out, go to drink a couple of beers with friends
- partecipate to social events around the city.

Whatever you will decide... You will never go to sleep before than midnight. And...did you hear it?

Yes, it's the clock alarm!!!! Wake up, Wake up!!!
A new day is already started!!!
Take care
Big hug from the city that never sleep!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

John and Jack are back!!!

Hey my friends,
only for people who can read italian.

John and Jack are back!!!

September 9th 2006
The new daily history is out..:-)
TOPIC: "Nulla accade per caso"
WHERE: http://storiediformiche.blogspot.com/

Keep in touch...next life secret is at the door!!!

The Young Professional Forum-Values Based Leadership: Perspectives from a Finance Executive"

Hey dears,
happy to announce the third event of the season regarding the Young Professionals Forum.
Below all the information:
"The Young Professionals Forum is proud to welcome Grant Kvalheim, Co-President of Barclays Capital, to facilitate our third event of the season.
TOPIC "Values Based Leadership: Perspectives from a Finance Executive"
WHEN "Thursday, August 31st, 8:00 to 10:00 PM
WHERE Grand Hyatt New York - 42nd St. (bet. Park and Lex) - Ballroom A RSVP Free event, limited space: RSVP to ypforum@gmail.com wuth guest names

The Forum is a monthly group discussion facilitated by prominent business, law and community leaders. Our purpose is to learn how to most effectively apply our skills and experience to make a difference in the world. Open to all, the Forum is an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded young professionals in a unique setting.

I will be there, and you?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New adventure, new ideas, new weblog ...life is going on...

Hey my dear,
it's a long time I'm not writing in my blog but, I'm still alive..:-).
Yes, I just came back to Italy for 3 weeks in order to get the new VISA and now, I started my new experience in New York, where I'll live for the next 18 months. Yes, it was a tough decision but at the end, I'm really happy to start my working experience here.
And so, after few days, I started to find out what new I can do in the future. In the middle of thousands of idea, one it's already started. What is that?

In few words, I love to read books and I love share my ideas with my friends. So, at the end of the day, the decision to have a new weblog in which I can write down my book. Yes, I'm not a writer, but who is the writer if not who write something? So, I'll start in this my new adventure. You can see the link on the right of the homepage, going down... anyway, the new weblog address is http://storiediformiche.blogspot.com/
Enjoy your reading. This time, I'm really sorry for my international friends, I decided to write in italian. It's the best way to explain all my toughts, and, it's a good balance with my italian friends who don't know english and cannot understand 100% what I'm writing on my main weblog.

In any case, I'm waiting all of you in New York and we will discuss about everything in the international young language? Which one? The language we speak in front a good beer and again... in front a second good beer ... and again... in front a third good beer... and...and... ops, probably we will get drunk!!!

Take care friends

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The trip is going on...on the bridge of my life

And so my friends, the trip is going on. After six months spent in this incredible city, it's time to take a break and come back home, on the Italian ground.
I hope everything will be ok for my new VISA, so I can come back and stay here for the next 18 months.
It's time to trace a balance of those incredible 6 months spent in this huge city.
Positive, positive, positive. No other words can explain this amazing experience here. I met so many people, new friends, new life style... and in all this change I discovered day by day something more regarding me, my ambitions...
I hope I can continue soon this experience.
And today, I was again in the place that inspired this weblog. It's incredible walking on this bridge and looking around you.
And now, some weeks in Italy again. It's the first time I was out of my native borders for so long time. I will have the chance to relax my self, to enjoy all my old friends and to reach the love of my family... and at the end, I will be ready to start again...and I know...this bridge will be the place where my adventure will start again.
What is the life if not thousands of adventure put together? And all these adventures are linked by thousand of bridges. Walking on those bridge is the story of OUR LIFE. In which bridge are you walking right now?
Take care my friends

Saturday, July 15, 2006

When pictures are colored of RED,WHITE and GREEN!!!

Step 1... (on going...)

step 2... (World Champions and...good luck Ale&Eduardo)

step 3... (siamo noi...siamo noi....)

step 4... (Little Italy July 9th 2006...)

step 5 (what's the next wish for my birthday???)

When Pirates met dreams....the history

....and now it's the time to tell you what happened when pirates met dreams..:-)
It was a common day, busy like always and with just one end: come back home and take some rest.
But, something was missing and for instinct I decided to walk a little bit more in this huge city. Like all the time, walking means thinking, thinking means something new at the door..:-)
And so, my dreams arrived in the McSORLEY'S OLD ALE HOUSE(http://www.mcsorleysnewyork.com/), one of the oldest Ale House in New York where many personal histories took place.
I was there one week before, with all my friends of my previous english school. It was amazing been together and singing all the national anthems, drinking and having fun.
But this time, I was there just to eat something, drinking a couple of good beers and coming back home not too late.
One of the greatest quality of New York is to meet every day new person. And that was true also this time.
I started to talk with people around me and at the end I met a Pirate and his idea of freedom in our society. Believe or not, in the 2006 Pirates are still living in our society. They are alive.
So, we started to talk about our life, and step by step...beer by beer, my concept of "dreaming with open eyes" and his concept of "freedom in our society" met each other. Everything around us started to have different colours, we were on the same waive, and we started to think about all the different life-histories of everyone sitting in this place, that night...and in all the nights from 1827.
And John, owner of this place, was with us. Believe or not, that night we drunk for the Italian Team, playing the World Soccer Cup. The day after, we won against Germany...and some days after we won the world cup.
You can believe or not...but I met a pirate, we drunk and dreamed together, and we won the World Cup. All this, started when "dreaming with open eyes" met "Pirates" in New York.

Take care all my new pirates friends, living all around he world..:-)


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Soccer World Cup: Germany-Italy 0-2

Grazie ragazzi...e adesso sogniamo la finale!!!!

When Pirates met dreams....

Everything started after a long working day... when Pirates met dreams....

coming soon.... a real story into the New York night life

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I call it "l'equilibrio relativo"!!!

Hey hey hey, travelling in the subway everyday, give you the chance to read some nice book, some newspaper, or listening to music...or reflect about people in front of you...or.. think about a new concept...
Some days ago, I was thinking about this concept, "l'equilibrio relativo". I don't know how to call it in english, probably "the relative equilibrium", but I will try to explain the concept.

Everybody use to change during his life. Everyday something happens, you meet new people, you do something new, you make choices. So, our body and our mind...try everyday to get a balance between the past conditions... and the new ones in order to find the best way to live.

But, imagine what happens when you see a nice and interesting person(girl or boy, it depends what are you looking for) and... you have the chance to talk and to know better this person. Imagine this person kiss you and you feel something for her/him. Your balance is out of order!!! Your priority is going to change. And you, try to find the new equilibrium.
It's exacly the same when you find a new job, or when something new happens.

In that case, like in all the cases, we don't need to keep quite our emotions. Leave them free because this is what we need in order to promote our personal growth.
What can we do, is to create a positive ground for these situations, going out, talking with new people, without fear to be lost. Only in that way, we can help our mind and our body to be ready for the new change... walking everytime towards a new equilibrium.

We cannot skip the change of our life...but we can be faster to go towards this condition. But...pay attention... the equilbrium is not the final one... we are talking about relative equilibrium. The goal is not achieving it...but the way to walk towards the final results.
In that way, we don't depend from the results... but we depend from our attitude. And...if we have a positive attitude...as consequence, we'll obtein the best results.

1. If you are a dreamer... you fight everyday with this situation...asking for a new quite life.
2. If you are not a dreamer...probably you are thinking:"I have no this kind of problem...nothing happens in my life".
In any case, our world and so, our life is going to change every minute. It's our nature... and the beauty of our human being. Also if we don't do nothing new, the world around us continue to change.
We need just to refresh this concept...and probably we'll appreciate what we have in our hands.

Are you confused? If yes, and if you are trying to understand this message, probably you are already different from the person who starts to read this article 1 minute ago!!!

Life is change and change is life. Enjoy it.

Take care my friends

Sentences never old

Good morning to all... I was reading some emails regarding the past... and there are sentences never old.
I wrote this one after a period of hard dedication for the final paper of my university bachelor....and I think could be a moment of reflection for everybody...including my self.

"When a person knows what wants to achieve and dreams something for the future, concentration and efforts become tools and not the final goal"
"Quando una persona sa cosa vuole e sogna di voler realizzare qualcosa, la concentrazione e quanto c'è da fare diventano il mezzo e non il fine ultimo da raggiungere"
Have you a nice saturday my friends

Monday, May 29, 2006

Emotions from NBA Play-off

"That's just us. Just the heart of a champion," Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace said. "Yeah, we're down right now 2-1, but we think that we can overcome any deficit that is put in front of us."

This is just one of the sentences that can describe what is going on in the NBA Playoff Games. When I was in the high school, I used to wait sunday morning to watch one of my favourite TV Series, "NBA Action". And I also remember that one of my favourite video-games was about the NBA series. Who can forget Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls!!

Every day, I'm enjoying the NBA play-off... and this time...watching directly the TV. No better way to relax yourself at the end of the long day.... ops...that's true if you like basketball and...so, NBA..:-)
There is no Chicago Bulls at the end of this year competion...but... it's always present the magic way to play basketball in USA. Enjoy the match!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Amnesty International Annual Report: Refugee rights and hypocrisy

If you want to reflect about the state of the world, a good resource to read is the annual report of Amnesty International. In particulary, I found interesting two part of this report: the first one is regarding the italian results on the the immigration policy. We, as italian, should accordly reflect on what we can change in the future, and about what we can propose as European Union.

The second part, is regarding the hypocrisy of some countries, that use to "export" democracy and people like if they have power to do that all over the world.
Below you can find some parts of this report...but if you want to read more and make new questions on the various issues, you can exploit the entire report on the Amnesty International website.
"Refugee rights were threatened by implementation of a new immigration law, the failure to legislate specifically to protect those seeking asylum, and reports of plans by Italy to build detention centres for migrants in Libya. The expulsion of more than 1,425 migrants to Libya throughout the year took place in defiance of international refugee law. Officials and civilian personnel convicted of physical assault and racial abuse at a detention centre for migrants received suspended prison sentences. The trials proceeded of police officers charged with assault and other offences in 2001 at the time of mass demonstrations in Naples and during the G8 Summit in Genoa. Italy failed to take action to address the impunity enjoyed by law enforcement officials, including by setting up an independent police complaints and accountability body, making torture a specific crime under the penal code, or requiring police officers to display prominently some form of identification".

"HYPOCRISY In 2005, the US Administration acknowledged the use of "renditions". Rendition is the practice of transporting persons forcibly and without due process from one country to another where they risk being interrogated under torture or ill-treatment. Renditions are illegal under international treaties to which all European governments are party.2005... year in which evidence was made public of involvement of European governments in US-led renditions.1000... approximate number of secret flights directly linked to the CIA that used European airspace between 2001 and 2005, some of which may have carried prisoners.100s... estimated number of persons who may have been subject to renditions around the world.6... number of European countries implicated in the rendition of 14 individuals to countries where they were tortured. 1... number of European countries that has issued arrest warrants for CIA agents suspected of kidnapping prisoners for rendition".

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dreaming the development of the African Continent: the ADMADE Program in Zambia

Walking on the bridge continue to live and it's the right time to talk about one of the most exiciting place to discover...yes, my dear friends, it's time to talk about Africa.
I never had the chance to go there but I'm sure that one day I will travel in this unbelievable continent.
My first intensive meeting with Africa was one year ago. Yes..I never been there phisically, but I travelled with my mind reading the Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Incredible book and incredible history. From that moment, I'm dreaming to have the chance to meet one of the most inspiring people in this world...and...never says never.

I was, and I'm currently interested to visit South Africa, living on my skin the emotions of the past and the challenges of the future of this Nation. But I also like to go around Africa, discovering what's going on in all the countries.
Living in the 2006 has the advantage to be in each place just connecting your computer to internet. And, today I found this incredible initiative, regarding Zambia and a Community Based Natural Resource Managment Project. The name of the project is ADMADE PROGRAM.
I just report some information...

"Zambia is at a crossroads. Many challenges remain for Zambia to achieve nationwide growth and awareness in resource conservation and rural development. To meet these challenges head-on, Zambia must assess its previous successes and failures. Degrees of success vary greatly and leaders and practitioners helping to expand the ADMADE approach must learn from these past experiences to ensure results improve and become more predictable. ADMADE is a national program that has spread into most provinces of the country with almost universal appeal and support among its community constituents. It is also politically accepted among it national leaders, who view it as a positive approach for decentralizing Government authority over the use and management of natural resources. Furthermore, it has begun to fuel renewed confidence among private investors for wildlife tourism in Zambia and in game management areas in particular......"

if you want to read more, please visit the following website... and maybe... one day one of us will be directly involved in the development of this kind of projects.
I wish all the best for the people of this continent
Take care... dreaming Africa from your house

Soccer...going back to the past, to overcome the present and to challenge the future...

"Italy's paramilitary police, the Carabinieri, searched the offices of Italy's soccer federation in connection with a growing corruption scandal involving, primarily, sport fraud. Managers of some of Italy's most widely loved teams, are suspected of fixing matches and conspiring to appoint particular referees for particular assignments."

"There is documentary evidence that a a game or skill building exercise, involving kicking a ball into a small net, was used by the Chinese military during the Han Dynasty - around the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC.
Earlier evidence - of a field marked out to play a ball-kicking game has been found at Kyoto, in Japan.
Both the Greeks and ancient Romans played a soccer-type game which resembled modern soccer - although in this early version, teams could consist of up to 27 players!
It is impossible to say accurately where and when soccer started - but it is reasonable to assume that some type of ball game - from which the organised sport we know today developed - has been played somewhere on the planet for over 3000 years".

I'm really sad for news I'm receiving from Italy regarding soccer reality. My team won just one week ago his 29th championship in his history, but his ex general manager his in the middle of the the storm!!! I love soccer...but I don't like when interests become more important than game. I don't want to talk about what's happening, I prefer explain my toughts at the end, when all the situation will be clear... but, for sure, I hope everyone of us, who loves this incredible game, will starts to reflect on the origin of this game..... dreaming the future and enjoying World Cup Championship coming soon.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Inspiration from... AIESEC Network

Reading email coming from AIESEC Network is always interesting and full of inspiration... maybe because is coming from young people who wants to learn and grow up in their life....maybe because it's part of the nature of this incredible Organization.
I want to report this sentence...received just today from one of the official community... just to pass you part of this inspiration...
Take care

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor". Oliver Wendel Holmes

Monday, April 24, 2006

Against any kind of terrorism!!!

"CNN, April 24, 2006 -- Twenty-three people, including three foreigners, were killed and 62 others were wounded Monday in terrorist bombings in the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Dahab, the Egyptian interior minister said.
Habib al-Adly said 42 of the wounded are Egyptian and three are members of the police.
In a written statement, he said the dead included 20 Egyptians and three foreigners -- a German child and two victims of unknown nationality.
The blasts took place about 7:15 p.m. (1:15 p.m. ET) at two cafeterias and a supermarket. Witnesses reported seeing smoke coming from a market in the Sinai Peninsula town.
Video of the site hours later showed damaged buildings, with sidewalks outside tourist shops and restaurants covered in blood and shattered glass.
President Hosni Mubarak called the explosions "a wicked terrorist attack."

We are again in front of a new act of violence in this world, a new attack to the right to live. I don't want to go back on this news, everyone can imagine what does it mean... as everyone could imagine how much it changed our way to live in the last years.
The truth is that in this world, someone think to have the right to decide for other people. For sure, there are some inequalities and.... the fact that at the moment...there are 22 wars in the world and more than 50 areas of crisis, it reflect exacly this situation.
We can discuss about interests, economy, religion...our global reality is presenting various challenges and...global problems requires global solution. I don't know if we will have soon some kind of institution that will take care about this kind of issues... but, I'm sure of one thing, any kind of terroristic attack is, and always will be, out of the logic of human being and it represent exacly the opposite of the respect between individuals.
I truly defend the right to live and everytime I will see some bad news like today, It will be always a motivation for me to react with the most powerful resource that we have: OUR LIFE AND THE GOOD EXAMPLE THAT WE CAN GIVE TO THE FUTURE GENERATION.
Against any kind of terrorism in the world.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter to all of you...

Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Euromed: towards a liberalisation of services

This article is coming from "Europe Newsletter", an official initiative of European Union. Since the first time I read economical issues, I identified the European Union as a good opportunity for the development of Italy and in particular for the development of the South of the country.
The trip towards this development pass from the growth of the commerce and relationships in the Mediterranean area. Yes it's true, the political stability in this area is not the best one, but...I think this represent one of the key factor for development of the entire European Union, and for our country. I hope the new political government is coming soon in Italy, will keep more attention and will invest more on that direction.
Below you can find the article regarding some news in that field...that is going to reinvigorate the process we are talking about. Have you a nice reading...
"This is At the fifth Euro-Med Trade Conference wich took place in Marrakech on 24 March the European Union started negotiations with several Mediterranean countries on the liberalisation of services. According to Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, the launch of services negotiations with Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia will benefit economic growth and stimulate investment."
"Launching these services negotiations is an important milestone on the road to a
Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area," he added.

The services sector is key to the economies of the Southern Mediterranean countries. Services account for about 50% of GDP in Egypt, Morocco and Syria and around 70% of GDP in Jordan and Lebanon, with Tunisia in-between at 60%. Nevertheless, services trade with the Mediterranean countries currently represents only 3.5% of the EU's total services trade. Services exports from the Mediterranean to the EU are for the moment focused heavily on tourism but there is real potential in a number of other sectors: financial services, telecommunication, distribution, energy, environmental services and transport.

Alongside the liberalisation of services, Ministers examined ways and means to reinforce south-south regional integration, strengthen regulatory convergence on industrial products, deepen agricultural liberalisation and improve the institutional and legal framework.
The aim is to create a Euro-Med Free Trade Area by 2010. Four months after the Barcelona Summit which marked the 10th anniversary of the
Barcelona process, the Marrakech Ministerial comes at an important time. It aims to reinvigorate the Euro-Med process with an ambitious work programme in the trade area."
If you want to read more about Europa Newsletter, this is the website address: http://europa.eu.int/newsletter/index_en.htm
Take care

Friday, April 07, 2006

Global economy, global justice: the role of individual to create change

Saturday 25th March, it was my pleasure to join the initiative organized by EBBF members in New York and regarding the Young Professionals Business Ethics Forum. The intent of the forum is to involve people with different knowledge, engage guest speakers, discuss around world issues and think collaboratively about how to most effectively leverage our skills and experience to affect positive change throughout our carriers.

The event, named “Global Economy, global justice: the role of individual to create change”, was hosted at the United Nations headquarters. Let imagine the emotion to be inside this huge building in the room number 8, where all the representatives of the countries use to seat and discuss about the worldwide issue. And imagine to have in front of you one of the most important economist of the world, the Chief Economist of the World Economic Forum, Augusto Lopez-Claros.

It was an incredible experience. We talked about various issues regarding the state of the world. The main point that I found really interesting was the description of the “GAP between the society/economy growth and the global institutions role”. We are growing, our society is becoming global, the globalization is already part of our daily life. Some consequences of that represent the challenges of the future; think about the management of the population growth in the developing countries, or, the fact that in the next 15 years, in order to balance the population growth and the job opportunities, we need to create a number of job positions that are not realistic also for the best country economy present at the moment in the world. In our system there are some contradictions and, I think, like all the people presents in that room, that everyone, countries, governments, citizens etc etc.. everyone needs to include these considerations in their daily activities and decisions.

Institutions like United Nations, were not created to solve this kind of issues at that level. So , if we want to have some positive effects from their activities, we need to promote reforms and…share the country power in different way. And the reason of that is because the economy is growing, so we have more global issues to consider, but we always have the same international institutions, with the same structure and without decisional power. If we also think, that in the United Nations we have 5 countries with the veto power (one of them is not a democracy), we don’t have representatives from NGO and civil society but just representatives of the governments… we can truly understand why it’s so important discuss of this issue in our society.

We have so many discussions to build up, but I hope that everyone, in his society level and in his role, could create something of new for the future, considering that we have differences in our world, but we live in the same place. And our future generations will live with the resources that we will leave them. Long term expectations in our decision making process. Who’s doing that? For now, I will start with my first action, writing this article and saying thanks to Piero, Tannaz (and the Baby) and all the EBBF members, who introduced me in this initiative. See you soon my dear friends.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thai food Mania...let's do it

Thai food... really nice to taste and to eat...and if you have Asean friends with you...it's all more easy..:-)

European Champions League...passion from all around the world

From the played soccer to the football match in tv. Passion and some beer is a good combination to enjoy the moment with the friends...

Forza Juventus... tomorrow is your day.... we need to overcome the 0-2 against Arsenal!!!