Monday, September 18, 2006

New York Life...a tipical day during the week

What'up my dear friends? I hope everything is going well to everyone.
It's time to write down something regarding life I'm doing in New York, during the week.

During the week most of the time is dedicated at work. Wake up early in the morning, drink my daily glass of orange juice, eat some cookies and....let's go, let's get it started,
Subway is coming, more or less is one hour trip from the house I'm living to the place I'm working. Yes, its so far, but it's the best solution I have at the moment. Working in the middle of Manhattan don't give you the chance to find a cheap rent and so...everyone use to find something out of the Island. But let's continue our story.

During the subway time there is the first decisional moment of the day. You can choice between:
- reading a book
- reading a newspaper
- listening to music
- sleep
-starting to talk with people around you.

Excluding the last one, because in the morning nobody wants to talk, very often the choice is between sleep and....sleep. Nothing is better than sleep deeply for at least 25 minutes..:-)

But like all the best thing, these moment are not going to live forever.... time to get out from the subway is arrived. "GRAN CENTRAL- 42th street". It's time to come back to the reality and walk 5 blocks before to arrive in my job place. Under the shadow of the Empire State Building, the working day started and will go on until 6 or 7 o clock PM, with the launch time in the middle.

Now, a new choice is coming up:
-go home, cook something, clean up the house or take some nice rest.
- go to work out
- hang out, go to drink a couple of beers with friends
- partecipate to social events around the city.

Whatever you will decide... You will never go to sleep before than midnight. And...did you hear it?

Yes, it's the clock alarm!!!! Wake up, Wake up!!!
A new day is already started!!!
Take care
Big hug from the city that never sleep!!!

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