Thursday, September 18, 2008

Inspirational quote of the day...

"Some of the secret joys of living are not found by rushing from point A to point B, but by inventing some imaginary letters along the way."

-- Douglas Pagels, Author

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life is a not a a journey

Have you ever heard sentences like: "I'm tired" or "I'm giving 100% of myself but I'm not getting the same back" or "there is no time to do everything"?
Well, probably this is what 90% of people says everyday. Find excuses is one of the most visible aspect of the modern society. This is the reason why people feel unhappyness and unsatisfaction.

Most of the time we miss an important detail:


Often, we badly want to achieve something, and by the day we do it (or not), we don't feel the desidered satisfaction. The main reason is because we are so focused on the results, that we miss the daily contact, emotions given by people around us, sounds and colors coming out from the environment in which we live.

Think about an artist who play music. A song is a final result of a creative and inspirational moment. Behind a song, there is always a story, a though, an emotion, a mind, a path. The way songs are created make them uniques.

This is the same logic valid for anything else in life.

"Wedding is a result of love, not a goal to achieve. Being manager is a result of doing a good work and having a nice attitude, is not a chair to sit on top. Dream is live our life with open eyes, is not something to balance with the unhappiness of every day".

So, does it means that we can simply dream and live without goals and plans? Definetely no. Dreams without actions are like to have a roof of the house without foundations. We need both, for the right purposes.
Final goal is needed in order to visualize the path. Our mission is to live this journey smiling to everything around us. This is what I believe is bringing happiness to people. At least, it ensure that we are not spending our life time without living it.

Enjoy your day, life...and always smile.

Power of inspiration...

Simply read them!! Enjoy

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. - Edmund Burke

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.Henry David Thoreau

Attitude determines altitude. - Anonymous

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. - Roy Disney

And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. All progress depends upon the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. –William Shedd

Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny. - David O. McKay

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?" I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?" - George Bernard Shaw

Monday, September 08, 2008

J F Kennedy....Arts and Quote

Do you know that today is the birthday of John F. Kennedy Center forPerforming Arts?
In 1971, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts opened in Washington, D.C., with a performance of Leonard Bernstein's "Mass."
Today we can start with an Inspirational Quote of John F. Kennedy:
"When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity"
Have a nice Monday

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Growing fast or growing well...

Another year is flying away and some of the questions are always the same.
Economy is changing, Far East is taking the lead, USA are trying to keep their leadership awake, Europe is still trapped in political divisions, Russia is consolidating interests of the past in a modern way, Africa is full of wars and social problems. Australia, who knows what is happening over there!
In this scenario, global firms are positioning themselves as imporant agent in this society. If you think a second, you will probably realize that most of them move annual capitals bigger than most of what worldwide countries. do Acting in different countries make them aware of what is happing around the world. Often, they know cultures, laws, habits and economical trends better than local governments.
So, is the global growth passing trhough these entities?
In my opinion they have an important role. However a well structured growth can be achieved only if these entities will combine their role with the one that Institutions and Social Parts have. Is probably between those interactions that we can find some interesting examples on how to lead our society in the years ahead of us.
But please, do not leave the system doing that. Everything starts from a point that everyone knows really well: OURSELVES.
Find your path and keep going on it.

Little Mozart...

Good morning to everyone,
today is the day in which discover interesting things on the web.
If you would like to know something more about a young pianist (9 years old) who plays Beethoven in the same way he use to have breakfast in the morning and, who talk about his 2 years old start, well, you can click on below link and maybe, get inspired for your future carrier..:-)
For sure, you will have an ambitous competitor in this field!! Enjoy


Sunday Quote....

Jumping around the web I did find below quotation. Because we are living in a world where often, everyone's expectation is to became a manager or a CEO, let's give some inputs to reflect about Management and Leadership.

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things".
Peter F. Drucker

Sometime, order makes the difference.
Enjoy your Sunday