Saturday, November 17, 2007

"Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.”

"Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order." Samuel Beckett
This is one of the sentences that bumped up on my attention during the performance of James Devine in TAPEIRE, a show currently performed in Broadway Area in NY.
Tapeire comes in from a quartet of dance, fiddle, percussion and electric harp, all "driven by rhythm". They exploire together the rich sounds of Celtic culture past, present and future.
It's a new style called "Celtic Tap".

Going back to the show, Tapeire takes the twin worlds of Irish dance and tap and blends them into one dynamic form. Charting the history of Irish dance via film backdrop, it travels from the old culture through Ireland's 17th century "dancing masters", to the 1980 competitions and modern shows, and finally end with a freestyle jam session, during which the artist see where their hands and feet can take them.
It's pure rhythm ans sound. Starting form the first second to the last keep you alive on your seat. Innovative and creative, it's a good occasion to appreciate the talent of these artists.

As a final note, James Devine (creator, director choreographer and main dancer) is the Guinnes World Record holder for Fastest Dancer in the World executing an astonishing 38 taps per second!!! See to believe it!!!
If you want to know more, visit

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Soccer...what's the real face?

I was reading a friend's webblog and some news on internet. My intention was to find something about the result of Serie A Championship in Italy. And again, another person died and several accidents are still ongoing in different cities between ultras and police officers!!!!
We can write and say thousands of words on this. But this is not the real face of the soccer.
I do not accept that few people will continue to have all the attention on them, fighting on the streets and saying "we are going to the Stadium".
Soccer Clubs, Institutions, have to say "Not" to all of this. For one time, they should not care about interests and money and fight internally this violence.
I just came from Queens, where I'm following with a friend (Alfonso) a team of kids under 17. We use to spend time during the week for trainings, trying to improve day by day our team performance. Everyone is doing the best he can; Sunday, it's not only the time to play to win, but it's the time to have fun and learn together as well. It's not matter of the final score. It's the matter to learn how to play together, how to trust and know better each one of the player, person, close to you. It's the time to have fun together.
The main difference that I see bewtween the Serie A Championship and the Under 17 Team is probably due to the interests that soccer teams, players, ultras, institutions, have once they turn on this activity in a business. Volunteers became Professionist Players, Association became Company, Fun became stress, time to play is not more decided by the people availability but is decided by the sponsors. On the side, parents and friends leave the place to few stupid organized ultras that are able to watch a match only if bunkered between barriers, like lions are in the ZOO.
Instead to strumentalize each single episode, maybe it's the time that all the involved parties take a concrete step towards a resolution. I'm on the side of each fan who goes to the Stadium enjoying and screaming at each action. But I would like to get out from the same door of the fan of the other team, at the same time, arguing on the final score but without barriers. Until that time, I will probably keep enjoing the real face of the soccer, leaving to others any strumentalization of the ongoing cases.
Take care

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Grande Alessio.
I had the lucky to live with you the last days before of the NY Marathon...and I'm excited to read your final result.
It was an immense pleasure to meet you and Miranda after so long time :-)

See you in one month in Milan
Take care

Going back to the future....

During the past 2 days I had the chance to think about my current experience. I also read all blogs of my friends and I found more than one thing in common. Most of us are currently around the world (India, UK, Australia, Cina..) but for everyone the question is the same: are we on the right track? Do we expect to jump all around the world for the rest of our life? When will be the break point?
Probably there are thousands of answer to those questions; until we are driven by our passions and values, we will always accept challenges and challenges do not have home!

Going back 2 years ago, I was still in Italy. My AIESEC's terms was ended in July and I was almost ready to get my Bachelor in Pavia. January 2006 my departure to the USA. After 2 years I have got my english certificate, I'm working at MSC as Import Assistant Manager, I travelled around the West Coast of the US, walking on 2 of my personal goals (Grand Canyon and Golden Gate), I'm studying at NYU for a Certificate on Business Management, Leadership and Organizational Development, I'm helping one of my friend as a trainer for a soccer team of under 17, I started my experience with NONI International, I'm eating many many books!!

If you read above, only thing that is missing is the time to rest. New York offers everyday thousands of opportunities. This is the reason why it is called "the city that never sleep".

Now, is this city the right one for the future? Probably I don't know yet. But I'm quite sure that will be my city for the next few years. If one day I will leave New York, I will probably have more time to relax...but I will miss the caotic sound of opportunities of every day.

If I try to link my past with my future... I will probably get lost at this time... maybe it's time to complete some of the present activities and have a better picture at the end.

I like to close this post with some sentences on New York. I hope you will enjoy.
Take care

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro

Robert Redford

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Congratulations brother :-)

It's time to say..."Dottore, dottore...dottore del b**o del c**0"...Grande Ferro, an other important achievement for you and for all of us...I'm sure this will give you a new jump into your future :-)

I told you. this summer...touching the balls will help :-)))

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Smiling time: Friendships...

A guy goes over to his friend's house, rings the bell, and the wife answers. " Hi, is Tony home?"
" No, he went to the store."
"Well, you mind if I wait?"
" No, come in."
They sit down and the friend says "You know Nora, you have the greatest breasts I have ever seen. I'd give you a hundred bucks if I could just see one."
Nora thinks about this for a second and figures what the hell - a hundred bucks. She opens her robe and shows one. He promptly thanks her and throws a hundred bucks on the table.
They sit there a while longer and Chris says "They are so beautiful I've got to see the both of them. I'll give you another hundred bucks if I could just see the both of them together."
Nora thinks about this and thinks what the hell, opens her robe, and gives Chris a nice long look. Chris thanks her, throws another hundred bucks on the table, and then says he can't wait any longer and leaves.
A while later Tony arrives home and his wife says "You know, your weird friend Chris came over. "
Tony thinks about this for a second and says "Well did he drop off the 200 bucks he owes me?"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Future of the world? Is it time to wake up???

Today, while I was reading some news on internet, my attention was catched up by a picture. I want to share it with you and invite everyone to reflect on it.

People like chickens!! If people lives in this situation, something is not working well.

Just think about it and...maybe something will come up in your change that small thing that will create the difference in our daily life.

Always for a better world...Gianpy

Monday, October 15, 2007

Walking on the Bridge: Golden Gate

The story of this blog started walking on the Brooklyn Bridge in NY. Yes, I had the lucky to visit this city also on the 2002, the summer after 09/11. Since that time, I always dreamed this path. Now, it represents one of the most important pieces of my life. Crossing a bridge it's a mix of feelings, meanings, thoughts. It links point A to point B. But, everytime you walk on it, personal persepctives use ot change. This is the reason why it seems everytime to live a unique experience.
One year ago, I bought a calendar with the most important bridges of the world. I sat down and I started to observe each one of them. That was the first time I was thinking to the experience the crossing of the Golden Gate, in San Francisco. 2 weeks ago, while I was travelling on the West Coast of the USA, I met 2 guys. 5:30 in the morning, we were both ready to start our life experience in the Gran Canyon. We introduced each others and after few minutes, they showed me some picture of San Francisco, last city they visited before to arrive to Las Vegas. In one of the picture, the Red Bridge! I started to think about my trip and see if there was an open window. But, the idea to go to San Diego and after to Los Angeles was great as well.

After the entire day spent in the Gran Canyon Reserve, I moved to San Diego. One day in its wonderful bay and the new decision: that night I decided to leave again. 11 hours were dividing me from the Red Bridge. Exacly one night of bus trip. I cancelled my hostel in San Diego and the Sun of the morning after was shining on San Francisco. Temperature was extremely cold and foggy. But, this situation facilitated the meeting of new people. Cathy, a girl from Cezch Republic, was travelling alone as well. In agreement, we decided to live this experience together and...We finally did it. We crossed the bridge, twice.

At the end of this trip, we stopped in a Chinese Restaurant, drinking hot green tea, eating some fresh sushi and recovering ourselves. We spoke as old friends, was amazing! We were extremely tired but happy for the common adventure. We spent the rest of the day together with several new experiences and there was a bit of sadness at the end of the day. A new night was coming in: my new direction was Los Angeles. Before to leave, we promised each other to remain in contact. After the Golden Gate, next dream is to see the sun on the top of Machu Pichu, in Peru an maybe, we will find again a common road to walk together.

A new bridge has been crossed, it's time to find the next one. Any suggestion?
Take care Gianpy

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Into the W..est Coast"

One week ago I had the chance to walk on the West Coast of the USA. One week trip, moving from Las Vegas, Nevada to Gran Canyon, Arizona. Then, going to the South California in San Diego, up to the North in San Francisco and down again to Los Angeles.
An amazing trip, sleeping during the night in the bus and walking each day in a different city, different colors, different place, different people and... chilometers of thoughts.

While I was living this experience, a book with me. "Into the Wild", written by Jon Krakauer... a perfect combination for a trip alone.

I want just leave you one of the part of the book that is reflecting this status.

“The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun…"

Life is the path...never miss it!!!
Take care

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Italian humor...

Thanks Alfo for the smiling moment of the day :-)))

For several years, a man was having an affair with an Italian woman.
One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin
his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she
would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to
raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child
turned 18. She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born.
To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write
"Spaghetti" on the back. He would then arrange for the child support
payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.
"Honey," she said, "you received a very strange post card today."
"Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later," he said. The wife
obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and

On the card was written:

"Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.
Three with meatballs, two without.
Send extra sauce."

Sunday, October 07, 2007

a sentence to keep in mind...

Dear all,it's long time that I'm not posting. This means that I have a lot to write you back :-)
so, day by day I will try to make up all the details of my absence :-)I

would like to share a sentence with you. I found it while I was in San Diego one week ago.

"If there is light in the soul,
there is beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
there will harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
there will order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will peace in the world."

Enjoy the week

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Crossing Union City: the pool, the fisherman and our good sense!!!

Welcome to this story written with four hands...
Did you ever cross a place in a unusual morning without a concrete objective? Some times happens...
If this happens with one of your friend, in a foreign are only at the beginning of a unknow trip!!!

It was an early Saturday morning, after have seen an episody of "Il commissario Montalbano". Close to noon, we decided to go around to find out a place to have breakfast. For people who doesn't know Union City, it could be useful to know that it's a "South American Colony".
Find a breakfast, without eat chicken and beans in the morning is like to become millionaire with the national lottery.
Walking on the street, we discover a little door. It was looking as a pub, but we decided to go inside. A barman, a pool and 3 strange people were populating this place.

As good Italians we decided to have an "aperitivo" before to proceed with our plan. Nobody was thinking that Frank Sinatra and the Blues Brothers were ready to seat in this place with us....

Changing the pilot....

sometimes you just need to see something new, doesn't matter what is your past or who you are. You need more. It always happens if you are in a different city, country, place, sky, language…the conlclusion will be most of the time something that you will never forget.

In a small street between two avenues, where nobody was around and just few dirty shops were open, we found a small closed door and a small closed window. If you fell normal or if you have a plan, you would never stop and think one second to get in.
To see that door, to stop in front of it and try to go in, was remembereding me an hold mysterious house that was abandoned on the hill around my grandparents house.

“What do we want to do??” It was the unt old question that was on our eyes. Without waiting for a word, we opened the door and we felt in a dark dirty pub, wide as 12 ft (less than 4 meters) and length around 30ft (9 meters). Personally I was starved but no where I was seing an oven or a toast maker. No way to eat something!!!

Once inside we were not finding anything enjoyable as a normal pub can offer. I have to be honest. Looking our movement around, it was so clear that we were new of the place, full of ourselves and looking for something exciting. Starting to play pool, tasting some frozen beer was just the first and natural consequence.

The perfect match for two men in their middle 20th or early 30th. Have been a matter of a minute and a short fat man, South American looking like, approached us putting some coins on the table and booking for the next game. Our small, hidden and dark pub was not the best place to be for a banker who was dressing a suite and an overcoat in a pretty sunny Saturday in the middle of April.

Raphael or whoever he really was, started talking to each one of us in a way that can be felt as familiar, we can say….friendly. Steve, the bartender, joined us. I don’t know a lot about the American people, but I have to say that Raphael is for sure more fantasious name than Smith, Joe, Jack or John as you expect from any American man.

Meanwhile Raphael was challenging one of us for the first game, that of course he would wisely lost, he paid the first shot of old Sambuca. It was his game, his first movement and of course his first fake step. If there is a scene to describe this, it is like to be a fish watching the fisherman to settle its position. The Sambuca was playing his game. I was personally enjoying everything: the unknown dirty dark place, the beer as breakfast, the pool table and the Sambuca taste on my mouth. Balls were on the table, Raphael ready to play and waiting for challenging. The fisherman was ready to put a bunch of worms on the river. Amazing!!

But here,
our knowledge and experience came out. Dear Raphael,
thanks to show us the game but we know already how to play in this case and we really enjoyed to see you, fisherman, showing your masterpieces on the art of mystification. In another moment maybe we would enjoy more, have more Sambuca shots paid,… by you of course, and also play the first two game, winning of course!!! Next time fisherman!!! We are still younger than you, but in our library we already have this book!!!

Now I am starting feel the effect of the alcoholic drinks…and most of all, I am starting to feel the emptiness of my belly and the hole in my head. It’s only 14:34 of an unusual Saturday!!!

changing the pilot

Moved by our research of food, a little diner came in our soccourse. A mix of eggs, mushrooms and peppers was our lunch time. Orange juice and american coffee our drinks. Dreaming our Italian Dishes and putting them in comparison with the food we were currently tasting, a feeling of sadness came out. But, the sunshine was back soon. Our friendship in Union City.. it was the best consequence of an unusual Saturday Morning in which a fisherman, is still looking for fish!!!! Go home safe!!!

Take care


Saturday, March 03, 2007

AIESEC IPM 2009 in Italy

It' always a pleasure to receive this kind of news. Our Italian Network will host this huge and amazing conference in the 2009.

Live contact: Cisco, IPM 2007 Egypt. If you want to read more, just click below:
Live from Egypt: 3rd part!
Incredible! AIESEC in Italy is proude to announce that the
International Presidents Meeting 2009
will be held in our beautiful country!
For sure it's an incredible achievement, result of the work of amazing people and the commitment of all my team!
AIESEC in Italy is here!


Congratulations guys, good job.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"You will be either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety"

I'm back. After a week end spent with friends and relax, I'm trying to get ready for the new week is coming soon.
But, as promised some days ago, let me talk about something regarding the personal growth.
Reading one book on this topic, I found this sentence:
"You will be either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety".
Since the first moment, I found really interesting the meaning of this sentence. I used to describe the same concept as: "you can decide to stay in your bed, under a safe quilt, or you can decide to stay all the time out of your confortable zone".
Personally, I think there is not only one way to act. However, it's also true that more we live in unconfortable zone to us, more we learn for the future. Conclusions can be traced by everyone of us...
But, let me leave with a reflection. Think for a minute to all the problems you faced during the day. After that, click here and see all the pictures. Is not the same world we are living in?
Take care my friends

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

So long time....

So long time... it looks like I never had a weblog!!!
If it's true that I didn't write anything during the past 2 months, coming back on this weblog is becoming again exciting. Why? Because I have thousands of news to tell to everybody.
So, from now on, I will start again to use this space to communciate what is going on my life.
Let's start. I'm still in this city, and the above picture is still reflecting my favorite and magic place to be.
My working experience is going well. Everyday I can find something new and this is exacly what I was looking for. My passion is not the shipping, but, this field is full of challenges every day and it's becoming a nice experience to live.
However, every day I take the chance to read and study something regarding one of my passion: The People Development. It's unbelievable to see how many things every human being can discover in yourself.
Just today, after finish my previous book, I began a new adventure reading a new one. I'm sure most of you know this masterpiece. The title is "The art of War" by Sun Tzu's. I just started and ... I already understood that I will be awake all night!!!
Wheather...believe or not here it's cold!!! It's happen almost every day to be under the zero... I'm looking forward to see the spring...and enjoy the free time in all the New York parks. In the mid-time...too many thins are waiting, there is not chance to get bored.
This is just a new start...keep in touch for the next post. New Title will be: "You will be either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety" Abraham Maslow.
Interested? Keep in touch....