Sunday, July 16, 2006

The trip is going on...on the bridge of my life

And so my friends, the trip is going on. After six months spent in this incredible city, it's time to take a break and come back home, on the Italian ground.
I hope everything will be ok for my new VISA, so I can come back and stay here for the next 18 months.
It's time to trace a balance of those incredible 6 months spent in this huge city.
Positive, positive, positive. No other words can explain this amazing experience here. I met so many people, new friends, new life style... and in all this change I discovered day by day something more regarding me, my ambitions...
I hope I can continue soon this experience.
And today, I was again in the place that inspired this weblog. It's incredible walking on this bridge and looking around you.
And now, some weeks in Italy again. It's the first time I was out of my native borders for so long time. I will have the chance to relax my self, to enjoy all my old friends and to reach the love of my family... and at the end, I will be ready to start again...and I know...this bridge will be the place where my adventure will start again.
What is the life if not thousands of adventure put together? And all these adventures are linked by thousand of bridges. Walking on those bridge is the story of OUR LIFE. In which bridge are you walking right now?
Take care my friends

Saturday, July 15, 2006

When pictures are colored of RED,WHITE and GREEN!!!

Step 1... (on going...)

step 2... (World Champions and...good luck Ale&Eduardo)

step 3... (siamo noi...siamo noi....)

step 4... (Little Italy July 9th 2006...)

step 5 (what's the next wish for my birthday???)

When Pirates met dreams....the history

....and now it's the time to tell you what happened when pirates met dreams..:-)
It was a common day, busy like always and with just one end: come back home and take some rest.
But, something was missing and for instinct I decided to walk a little bit more in this huge city. Like all the time, walking means thinking, thinking means something new at the door..:-)
And so, my dreams arrived in the McSORLEY'S OLD ALE HOUSE(, one of the oldest Ale House in New York where many personal histories took place.
I was there one week before, with all my friends of my previous english school. It was amazing been together and singing all the national anthems, drinking and having fun.
But this time, I was there just to eat something, drinking a couple of good beers and coming back home not too late.
One of the greatest quality of New York is to meet every day new person. And that was true also this time.
I started to talk with people around me and at the end I met a Pirate and his idea of freedom in our society. Believe or not, in the 2006 Pirates are still living in our society. They are alive.
So, we started to talk about our life, and step by by beer, my concept of "dreaming with open eyes" and his concept of "freedom in our society" met each other. Everything around us started to have different colours, we were on the same waive, and we started to think about all the different life-histories of everyone sitting in this place, that night...and in all the nights from 1827.
And John, owner of this place, was with us. Believe or not, that night we drunk for the Italian Team, playing the World Soccer Cup. The day after, we won against Germany...and some days after we won the world cup.
You can believe or not...but I met a pirate, we drunk and dreamed together, and we won the World Cup. All this, started when "dreaming with open eyes" met "Pirates" in New York.

Take care all my new pirates friends, living all around he world..:-)


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Soccer World Cup: Germany-Italy 0-2

Grazie ragazzi...e adesso sogniamo la finale!!!!

When Pirates met dreams....

Everything started after a long working day... when Pirates met dreams....

coming soon.... a real story into the New York night life