Monday, May 29, 2006

Emotions from NBA Play-off

"That's just us. Just the heart of a champion," Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace said. "Yeah, we're down right now 2-1, but we think that we can overcome any deficit that is put in front of us."

This is just one of the sentences that can describe what is going on in the NBA Playoff Games. When I was in the high school, I used to wait sunday morning to watch one of my favourite TV Series, "NBA Action". And I also remember that one of my favourite video-games was about the NBA series. Who can forget Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls!!

Every day, I'm enjoying the NBA play-off... and this time...watching directly the TV. No better way to relax yourself at the end of the long day.... ops...that's true if you like basketball, NBA..:-)
There is no Chicago Bulls at the end of this year competion...but... it's always present the magic way to play basketball in USA. Enjoy the match!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Amnesty International Annual Report: Refugee rights and hypocrisy

If you want to reflect about the state of the world, a good resource to read is the annual report of Amnesty International. In particulary, I found interesting two part of this report: the first one is regarding the italian results on the the immigration policy. We, as italian, should accordly reflect on what we can change in the future, and about what we can propose as European Union.

The second part, is regarding the hypocrisy of some countries, that use to "export" democracy and people like if they have power to do that all over the world.
Below you can find some parts of this report...but if you want to read more and make new questions on the various issues, you can exploit the entire report on the Amnesty International website.
"Refugee rights were threatened by implementation of a new immigration law, the failure to legislate specifically to protect those seeking asylum, and reports of plans by Italy to build detention centres for migrants in Libya. The expulsion of more than 1,425 migrants to Libya throughout the year took place in defiance of international refugee law. Officials and civilian personnel convicted of physical assault and racial abuse at a detention centre for migrants received suspended prison sentences. The trials proceeded of police officers charged with assault and other offences in 2001 at the time of mass demonstrations in Naples and during the G8 Summit in Genoa. Italy failed to take action to address the impunity enjoyed by law enforcement officials, including by setting up an independent police complaints and accountability body, making torture a specific crime under the penal code, or requiring police officers to display prominently some form of identification".

"HYPOCRISY In 2005, the US Administration acknowledged the use of "renditions". Rendition is the practice of transporting persons forcibly and without due process from one country to another where they risk being interrogated under torture or ill-treatment. Renditions are illegal under international treaties to which all European governments are party.2005... year in which evidence was made public of involvement of European governments in US-led renditions.1000... approximate number of secret flights directly linked to the CIA that used European airspace between 2001 and 2005, some of which may have carried prisoners.100s... estimated number of persons who may have been subject to renditions around the world.6... number of European countries implicated in the rendition of 14 individuals to countries where they were tortured. 1... number of European countries that has issued arrest warrants for CIA agents suspected of kidnapping prisoners for rendition".

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dreaming the development of the African Continent: the ADMADE Program in Zambia

Walking on the bridge continue to live and it's the right time to talk about one of the most exiciting place to discover...yes, my dear friends, it's time to talk about Africa.
I never had the chance to go there but I'm sure that one day I will travel in this unbelievable continent.
My first intensive meeting with Africa was one year ago. Yes..I never been there phisically, but I travelled with my mind reading the Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Incredible book and incredible history. From that moment, I'm dreaming to have the chance to meet one of the most inspiring people in this world...and...never says never.

I was, and I'm currently interested to visit South Africa, living on my skin the emotions of the past and the challenges of the future of this Nation. But I also like to go around Africa, discovering what's going on in all the countries.
Living in the 2006 has the advantage to be in each place just connecting your computer to internet. And, today I found this incredible initiative, regarding Zambia and a Community Based Natural Resource Managment Project. The name of the project is ADMADE PROGRAM.
I just report some information...

"Zambia is at a crossroads. Many challenges remain for Zambia to achieve nationwide growth and awareness in resource conservation and rural development. To meet these challenges head-on, Zambia must assess its previous successes and failures. Degrees of success vary greatly and leaders and practitioners helping to expand the ADMADE approach must learn from these past experiences to ensure results improve and become more predictable. ADMADE is a national program that has spread into most provinces of the country with almost universal appeal and support among its community constituents. It is also politically accepted among it national leaders, who view it as a positive approach for decentralizing Government authority over the use and management of natural resources. Furthermore, it has begun to fuel renewed confidence among private investors for wildlife tourism in Zambia and in game management areas in particular......"

if you want to read more, please visit the following website... and maybe... one day one of us will be directly involved in the development of this kind of projects.
I wish all the best for the people of this continent
Take care... dreaming Africa from your house

Soccer...going back to the past, to overcome the present and to challenge the future...

"Italy's paramilitary police, the Carabinieri, searched the offices of Italy's soccer federation in connection with a growing corruption scandal involving, primarily, sport fraud. Managers of some of Italy's most widely loved teams, are suspected of fixing matches and conspiring to appoint particular referees for particular assignments."

"There is documentary evidence that a a game or skill building exercise, involving kicking a ball into a small net, was used by the Chinese military during the Han Dynasty - around the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC.
Earlier evidence - of a field marked out to play a ball-kicking game has been found at Kyoto, in Japan.
Both the Greeks and ancient Romans played a soccer-type game which resembled modern soccer - although in this early version, teams could consist of up to 27 players!
It is impossible to say accurately where and when soccer started - but it is reasonable to assume that some type of ball game - from which the organised sport we know today developed - has been played somewhere on the planet for over 3000 years".

I'm really sad for news I'm receiving from Italy regarding soccer reality. My team won just one week ago his 29th championship in his history, but his ex general manager his in the middle of the the storm!!! I love soccer...but I don't like when interests become more important than game. I don't want to talk about what's happening, I prefer explain my toughts at the end, when all the situation will be clear... but, for sure, I hope everyone of us, who loves this incredible game, will starts to reflect on the origin of this game..... dreaming the future and enjoying World Cup Championship coming soon.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Inspiration from... AIESEC Network

Reading email coming from AIESEC Network is always interesting and full of inspiration... maybe because is coming from young people who wants to learn and grow up in their life....maybe because it's part of the nature of this incredible Organization.
I want to report this sentence...received just today from one of the official community... just to pass you part of this inspiration...
Take care

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor". Oliver Wendel Holmes