Monday, April 24, 2006

Against any kind of terrorism!!!

"CNN, April 24, 2006 -- Twenty-three people, including three foreigners, were killed and 62 others were wounded Monday in terrorist bombings in the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Dahab, the Egyptian interior minister said.
Habib al-Adly said 42 of the wounded are Egyptian and three are members of the police.
In a written statement, he said the dead included 20 Egyptians and three foreigners -- a German child and two victims of unknown nationality.
The blasts took place about 7:15 p.m. (1:15 p.m. ET) at two cafeterias and a supermarket. Witnesses reported seeing smoke coming from a market in the Sinai Peninsula town.
Video of the site hours later showed damaged buildings, with sidewalks outside tourist shops and restaurants covered in blood and shattered glass.
President Hosni Mubarak called the explosions "a wicked terrorist attack."

We are again in front of a new act of violence in this world, a new attack to the right to live. I don't want to go back on this news, everyone can imagine what does it mean... as everyone could imagine how much it changed our way to live in the last years.
The truth is that in this world, someone think to have the right to decide for other people. For sure, there are some inequalities and.... the fact that at the moment...there are 22 wars in the world and more than 50 areas of crisis, it reflect exacly this situation.
We can discuss about interests, economy, religion...our global reality is presenting various challenges problems requires global solution. I don't know if we will have soon some kind of institution that will take care about this kind of issues... but, I'm sure of one thing, any kind of terroristic attack is, and always will be, out of the logic of human being and it represent exacly the opposite of the respect between individuals.
I truly defend the right to live and everytime I will see some bad news like today, It will be always a motivation for me to react with the most powerful resource that we have: OUR LIFE AND THE GOOD EXAMPLE THAT WE CAN GIVE TO THE FUTURE GENERATION.
Against any kind of terrorism in the world.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter to all of you...

Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Euromed: towards a liberalisation of services

This article is coming from "Europe Newsletter", an official initiative of European Union. Since the first time I read economical issues, I identified the European Union as a good opportunity for the development of Italy and in particular for the development of the South of the country.
The trip towards this development pass from the growth of the commerce and relationships in the Mediterranean area. Yes it's true, the political stability in this area is not the best one, but...I think this represent one of the key factor for development of the entire European Union, and for our country. I hope the new political government is coming soon in Italy, will keep more attention and will invest more on that direction.
Below you can find the article regarding some news in that field...that is going to reinvigorate the process we are talking about. Have you a nice reading...
"This is At the fifth Euro-Med Trade Conference wich took place in Marrakech on 24 March the European Union started negotiations with several Mediterranean countries on the liberalisation of services. According to Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, the launch of services negotiations with Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia will benefit economic growth and stimulate investment."
"Launching these services negotiations is an important milestone on the road to a
Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area," he added.

The services sector is key to the economies of the Southern Mediterranean countries. Services account for about 50% of GDP in Egypt, Morocco and Syria and around 70% of GDP in Jordan and Lebanon, with Tunisia in-between at 60%. Nevertheless, services trade with the Mediterranean countries currently represents only 3.5% of the EU's total services trade. Services exports from the Mediterranean to the EU are for the moment focused heavily on tourism but there is real potential in a number of other sectors: financial services, telecommunication, distribution, energy, environmental services and transport.

Alongside the liberalisation of services, Ministers examined ways and means to reinforce south-south regional integration, strengthen regulatory convergence on industrial products, deepen agricultural liberalisation and improve the institutional and legal framework.
The aim is to create a Euro-Med Free Trade Area by 2010. Four months after the Barcelona Summit which marked the 10th anniversary of the
Barcelona process, the Marrakech Ministerial comes at an important time. It aims to reinvigorate the Euro-Med process with an ambitious work programme in the trade area."
If you want to read more about Europa Newsletter, this is the website address:
Take care

Friday, April 07, 2006

Global economy, global justice: the role of individual to create change

Saturday 25th March, it was my pleasure to join the initiative organized by EBBF members in New York and regarding the Young Professionals Business Ethics Forum. The intent of the forum is to involve people with different knowledge, engage guest speakers, discuss around world issues and think collaboratively about how to most effectively leverage our skills and experience to affect positive change throughout our carriers.

The event, named “Global Economy, global justice: the role of individual to create change”, was hosted at the United Nations headquarters. Let imagine the emotion to be inside this huge building in the room number 8, where all the representatives of the countries use to seat and discuss about the worldwide issue. And imagine to have in front of you one of the most important economist of the world, the Chief Economist of the World Economic Forum, Augusto Lopez-Claros.

It was an incredible experience. We talked about various issues regarding the state of the world. The main point that I found really interesting was the description of the “GAP between the society/economy growth and the global institutions role”. We are growing, our society is becoming global, the globalization is already part of our daily life. Some consequences of that represent the challenges of the future; think about the management of the population growth in the developing countries, or, the fact that in the next 15 years, in order to balance the population growth and the job opportunities, we need to create a number of job positions that are not realistic also for the best country economy present at the moment in the world. In our system there are some contradictions and, I think, like all the people presents in that room, that everyone, countries, governments, citizens etc etc.. everyone needs to include these considerations in their daily activities and decisions.

Institutions like United Nations, were not created to solve this kind of issues at that level. So , if we want to have some positive effects from their activities, we need to promote reforms and…share the country power in different way. And the reason of that is because the economy is growing, so we have more global issues to consider, but we always have the same international institutions, with the same structure and without decisional power. If we also think, that in the United Nations we have 5 countries with the veto power (one of them is not a democracy), we don’t have representatives from NGO and civil society but just representatives of the governments… we can truly understand why it’s so important discuss of this issue in our society.

We have so many discussions to build up, but I hope that everyone, in his society level and in his role, could create something of new for the future, considering that we have differences in our world, but we live in the same place. And our future generations will live with the resources that we will leave them. Long term expectations in our decision making process. Who’s doing that? For now, I will start with my first action, writing this article and saying thanks to Piero, Tannaz (and the Baby) and all the EBBF members, who introduced me in this initiative. See you soon my dear friends.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thai food Mania...let's do it

Thai food... really nice to taste and to eat...and if you have Asean friends with's all more easy..:-)

European Champions League...passion from all around the world

From the played soccer to the football match in tv. Passion and some beer is a good combination to enjoy the moment with the friends...

Forza Juventus... tomorrow is your day.... we need to overcome the 0-2 against Arsenal!!!

Bronx zoo, the world biggest zoo in the world greatest city

Bronx Zoo, it was my second time in this place. After 4 years, it was the time to go there with my classmates.
This place is soo huge and wonderful. A paradise of nature. If you want to learn more about it, just click on this website:
Below you can find some pictures of this wonderful day, spent with my friends.

in the subway...

at the entrance...

in the zoo...

and after the flight together...the relax in the Brenardo's house!!!

Apollo Theatre and...San Patrick Day

Round trip in the Apollo Theatre in the San Patrick Day. What great exhibition that day!!! But don't forget the tradition before to start!!!

Round trip in Apollo Theatre

and before the exhibition..

Before each exhibition, all the partecipants use to touch this old's good luck!!!
Each Wednesday Night is the Amateur Night, where each one of us could exhibit. The only judge is the audience "One mic, one stage, one chance"!!! Do you want to try?

San Patrick Day Parade...

This is the annual huge parade in New York...someone also call this day a "green beer day", but please, pay attention...don't be drunk if some girl is in front of you with the this sentence written on her face "I'm Irish, kiss me!"